Terms and conditions

1. Defining elements

1.1. The E-an-na online store is managed and owned through the shop.e-an-na.com website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) by the ASOCIATIA CULTURALĂ ŞIVOI, with registered office in Râului street, no. 34, room 104, Sibiu, Sibiu county, unique registration code 39765416.

1.2. In this document, the following terms will mean:

  • “Seller”: ASOCIATIA CULTURALĂ ŞIVOI, with registered office in Râului street, no. 34, room 104, Sibiu, Sibiu county, unique registration code 39765416;
  • “Buyer”: represents the person, company or other legal entity that accesses the Website and places an Order; “Goods and Services”: any product or service presented on the Site, including those mentioned in the Order or regarding the way in which they are to be provided to the Buyer by the Seller;
  • “Specifications”: all the specifications and / or description of the Goods and Services, including the way they are specified in the Order;
  • “Order”: represents the electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer, through which the Seller agrees to deliver Goods and Services to the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to receive these Goods and Services and make their payment;
  • “Contract”: represents the Order confirmed by the Seller by issuing the fiscal invoice. The conclusion of the Contract does not take place when the Order is placed or the confirmation of receipt of this Order is issued.

1.3. By accessing and using the Site or purchasing the Goods and Services presented on the Site, you express your acceptance of the provisions of this document, as well as of the Privacy Policy that is an integral part of it, and you are obliged to check it periodically. We recommend that you read these documents carefully.

2. Modification of the terms of use of the services

2.1. The seller reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notification or without specifying the reasons. The changes will be made by updating this document, becoming mandatory and with immediate effect. If you do not agree with the changes made, please stop accessing and using the Site. Continuing to access and use the Site or purchasing the Goods and Services presented on the Site by you after the modification of this document will constitute acceptance of the modifications made.

3. Contract documents

3.1. When placing an Order, the Buyer expresses his consent to receive from the Seller commercial electronic messages and/or by telephone. Placing an Order on the Site will be followed by contact via e-mail and/or phone, which confirms the placing of the Order and the fact that it will be processed by the Seller’s representatives. This e-mail, as well as discussions by telephone or by other means with the Seller’s representatives, do not constitute firm acceptance of the Order and do not signify the conclusion of the Distance Contract.

3.2. The sending by e-mail from the Seller of the delivery notification to the Buyer, without requiring a confirmation of receipt from him, constitutes the moment of concluding the Distance Contract and implies full acceptance of the terms of the Order. The buyer can cancel an Order before receiving the delivery notification message, by e-mail at eanna.band@gmail.com. The order will be considered canceled when the Buyer has received the cancellation confirmation by e-mail and/or phone from the Seller’s representatives.

4. Intellectual property rights

4.1. The entire content of the shop.e-an-na.com site is the property of ASOCIATIA CULTURALĂ ŞIVOI and is protected by copyright law, not being able to be taken over, copied partially or fully or used to create derivative works without express written consent beforehand of the owner. Use for purposes other than personal or non-commercial is strictly prohibited.

5. Prohibited conduct

5.1. It is strictly prohibited:

  • Partial or total copying, disassembly, creation of derivative works or use in any other way of the source code of the Site, as well as any element contained in the Site services, including, but not limited to: texts, images, tables, specifications, form of presentation or content of any other nature;
  • Using the Website services for purposes other than for personal, individual and non-personal use;
  • Selling, renting, distributing, transmitting or granting rights to a third party regarding the services of the Site or the account created by you for their use;
  • Using the services of the Site to invade the privacy of third parties, to obtain information about any of the users of these services, to obtain a list of users of these services, or to use data mining technologies, robots or other similar data collection systems;
  • Copying, modifying, deleting or damaging any information contained on technical equipment, including but not limited to servers and computers used or controlled by the Seller;
  • Your impersonation or false affiliation with any person.

5.2. As a result of the violation of any prohibition provided in this document, the Seller has the right to block with immediate effect, temporarily or permanently, access to the account involved in the prohibited activity, without this limiting the right of the ASOCIATIA CULTURALĂ ŞIVOI to resort to legal means to obtain compensation for any damages caused by the activity carried out through your account.

6. Registration on the website

6.1. Access to the Seller’s goods and services can be done online, from a personal computer or from a mobile device, such as a tablet or phone, by creating an account on the shop.e-an-na.com website. The use of the Site requires the activation of cookies for the browser you use. The recommended browsers for accessing and using the site are: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox 16+, Safari 5+, Opera 12+, Internet Explorer 8+. To create an account, you need a personal e-mail address, which will be associated with your account on the Site and through which communication with the Seller’s representatives will take place later.

6.2. By creating this account, you declare that the data provided by you through the registration form are correct and complete, and you accept that you are responsible for the activity carried out through your account. The account created on the Site is personal, the use of access data or the account of another person being prohibited, either temporarily or permanently. You are also obligated to immediately contact the Seller’s representatives if the security of your account has been compromised.

7. How do I order?

7.1. By accessing shop.e-an-na.com/ and using the menu on the left sidebar, you can navigate among the product categories and, from there, on the individual page of each product, you will see detailed information (more pictures, sizes and available stock – constantly updated etc.). After you have decided on a desired product, on the page of that product you must click on the “Add to basket” button. After you have chosen all the products and want to place the order, go to the “Shopping Cart” – section that you access from the top right, by clicking on the corresponding button. From there you will be able to review and update the list of products added to the basket, as well as the quantity you have selected. Also from the Shopping Cart you will decide the method by which you want the products to be delivered. The next step, after clicking on “Proceed to Checkout”, will be the one related to completing the details for invoicing and delivery. After that, click on “Confirm order” to review the order, the desired products, their quantity, the subtotal, the payment method and the final payment. “Place the order” will send you to the last confirmation that you will have to do to place the order.

8. Payment

8.1. All prices displayed on the Site are in LEI and include VAT (rate 19%). The displayed prices do not include delivery costs.

8.2. For technical reasons, independent of the Seller’s control, certain products displayed on the Site may have the wrong prices. For these, if the difference between the correct price and the displayed one is more than 20%, we reserve the right to contact you personally or cancel the order directly.

8.3. The seller reserves the right to change the prices applicable to the services at any time, without any prior notification and without motivation. The new prices will be applicable only to services purchased after the price change date. If you do not agree with the price changes, you have the option to stop using the services.

8.4. All problems related to payments will be completely managed by the Seller’s representatives. In case of any confusion, please send an e-mail to eanna.band@gmail.com.

9. Payment methods

Payment can be made with a bank card.

The card payment method means that an order is paid in full, online, through the bank card, at the moment it is placed. This payment is made in safe conditions.

After sending the order, you will be redirected to the NETOPIA mobilPay page, where you will enter the payment details (card data). The payment is made in lei, at the exchange rate of the bank you belong to (for cards with a currency other than LEI).

Careful! No one will ever ask you for your PIN code, card number or CIV – neither the representatives of the ASOCIATIA CULTURALĂ ŞIVOI, nor the payment processor, nor the bank representatives.

In the case of delivering a gift directly to a third party, please contact us with your email address. The payment will be made in advance, by bank card, and the Seller will send the tax invoice directly to the Buyer, to the email address, not to a third party.

10. Billing

Each confirmed Order includes the specifications of the Goods and Services, the prices, the method and the term of payment. The Seller will issue the Buyer an appropriate tax invoice for the goods and services delivered, the prices being identical to those specified in the Order confirmation message, and the invoice will be sent and attached electronically, to the email address where the order was placed. The buyer has the obligation to provide all the correct and complete information necessary to issue the fiscal invoice.

11. Transfer of property

Ownership of the goods will be transferred at the time of their delivery to the indicated address (assuming the signature of receipt of the transport document provided by the courier) and the full payment.

12. Delivery

12.1. The Seller undertakes to ship the products included in the completed Order to the Buyer, respecting the delivery terms established and communicated at the time of confirming the Order. For delivery, the rate related to the chosen delivery method will be applied, communicated on the Site at the time of placing the Order.

12.2. The seller will properly pack the products and send them, and the tax invoice will be sent electronically, attached to the mail.

12.3. Due to the conditions imposed by the Courier company, the Buyer is not allowed to open the package until after signing the receipt and paying the price.

12.4. If the packages show visible damage upon receipt, we recommend the Buyer to refuse their receipt and immediately report this incident by e-mail to eanna.band@gmail.com. Any subsequent complaint regarding these aspects will be null and void and cannot be taken into account.

12.5. If the deadlines for dispatch or delivery of the order cannot be met, the Seller will notify the Buyer and inform him of the estimated deadline for completing the delivery. If the new delivery term is not accepted by the Buyer, the order will be cancelled.

12.6. If the information provided by the Buyer regarding the delivery is incomplete or incorrect, the Seller does not guarantee compliance with the delivery terms. If in 24 hours the Buyer does not correct the information in order to establish a new delivery term, the Seller reserves the right to cancel the order.

12.7. Delivery by courier

The cost of delivery on the territory of Romania by fast courier is at least 15.5 lei, rate valid throughout the country.

The courier undertakes to contact the Buyer in advance, by phone, in order to mutually establish the time at which to make the delivery to the address.

If the Buyer cannot be found at the mentioned delivery address, within the time interval established by mutual agreement, the courier will contact the Buyer to establish the details of a new delivery. If even on the second attempt the delivery will not be made, the parcel will be returned to the Seller and the order will be cancelled. If the Buyer cannot be contacted by the Courier, the order will be held at the courier’s regional warehouse for 5 working days, before returning to the Seller.

The buyer can place the respective order again, bearing in advance the costs of the previous transport (round-trip), as well as the costs of a new delivery, through methods communicated directly by the Seller’s representatives (bank transfer, OP, etc.).

12.8. The delivery time is between 2 and 7 working days.

13. Right of return on purchase

13.1. The buyer has the right to give up the products purchased on the Site, without penalties and without citing a reason, within 14 calendar days of receiving the products, according to the provisions of OG 130/2000 regarding consumer protection when concluding and executing distance contracts.

13.2. In all cases of returning the products, the transport costs for the return will be borne by the Seller.

13.3. If a different product was sent than the one ordered or with other specifications (different size, different color, etc.), the transport charges will be borne by the Seller.

13.4. Refusing to buy a product will be done within 30 days of the return and under the following conditions:

  • the products must be returned sealed;
  • the condition of the products must be the same, they must not have been worn or show signs of wear or consumption;
  • the product must be sent in the original packaging, together with all the related and intact labels and accessories, in the condition in which they were sent by the Seller (eg: the labels must not be torn or cut).

Otherwise, the Seller reserves the right to refuse the return or to charge a fee for bringing the products to salable condition.

13.5. The buyer has the right to opt only once for the return of a product. Refusal to buy repeatedly will be considered abuse and the Seller has the right to block with immediate effect, temporarily or permanently, access to the account involved in the abuse.

14. Account Deletion

Deleting your account from the Site can be done in one of the following situations:

  • at your request, by e-mail at eanna.band@gmail.com;
  • by the Seller, as a result of your violation of the provisions of this contract;
  • by the Seller, in case of non-use by you of the Website services for a period of more than 36 months.

15. Limitation of liability

ASOCIATIA CULTURALĂ ŞIVOI does not guarantee the uninterrupted and defect-free availability of the goods and services presented on the Site.

None of the contracting parties will be responsible for non-performance of its contractual obligations (delayed shipments, loss, destruction, damage, non-delivery or erroneous/biased delivery, or any other kind of problems), if they are caused by major force events.

Major force means circumstances that have arisen as a result of extraordinary, unavoidable, unforeseen situations, circumstances or events or any other act beyond the control of the parties and which is recognized by law as a case of major force, such as:

  • natural causes: earthquakes, cataclysms, devastating storms, tornadoes, natural fires, floods, overflows of rivers, abandoned riverbeds, landslides, falling trees, rocks, heavy snowfalls or other unfavorable weather conditions, etc.;
  • human causes: state of war, state of siege, forced nationalization (passing into state ownership), revolutions, riots, unauthorized strikes, etc.

16. Relations with clients

For information or concerns related to the operation or content of the Site services, please contact us at eanna.band@gmail.com.

Any complaints related to the operation or content of the Website services can be sent by e-mail to eanna.band@gmail.com.

17. Jurisdiction / Litigation

This document is governed by the Romanian legislation in force. The terms and conditions in this document supersede other previous agreements, written or verbal, between the mentioned parties. Any misunderstandings that arise will be resolved amicably. If the parties fail to reach an amicable agreement, the competent Romanian courts will be appealed for resolution.
